误He rose his hand to ask a question.
正He raised his hand to ask a question.
女主人起身欢迎我们。误The hostess raised to greet us.
正The hostess rose to greet us.
析raise和rise都可表示“由低向上升高的动作或趋势”,但raise是及物动词,在主动句中其后必须有宾语; rise是不及物动词,后面不直接跟宾语。
1949年10月1日,人们第一次看到五星红旗在天安门广场升起。误October 1,1949 saw the rising of the five-star red flag for the first time on Tian An Men Square.
正October 1,1949 saw the raising of the five-star red flag for the first time on Tian An Men Square.
析国旗是被升起的,不是自动上升的。因此, rising尽管形式不错,但意义不准确,应该用raising。
他努力学习提高自己的英语水平。误He studies hard to raise his English level.
正He studies hard to improve his English.
析raise his English level是逐字直译的汉式英语,“提高英语水平”可用 improve one's English表达。