Rollagn.罗拉格(在挪威;东经 9º18' 北纬 60º01')
Rolling Stones Club Shanghai Restaurant滚石俱乐部上海餐厅
rolling stock AC-DC changeover method溢座式交直流切换方法
Rollin Niswonger and Philip E.Fess.题名/责任者: Accounting principles / C.
Rolling pressure transverse distribution轧辊受力分布
Roll-profiled steel sheet for building建筑用压型钢板
roll-a-cell tissue culture apparatus转动组织培养仪
roll forging under increasing compression增压下辊锻
rolling technique of High-speed wire-rod煤壁片帮
Rollingbearings- withdrawal sleeves and nut滚柱轴承用退卸套及螺母
Rollbackable Automated Intrusion Response System可回卷的自动入侵响应系统