perennial bog herb having dark red flowers and decumbent broadly winged pitchers forming a rosette; of northeastern North America and naturalized in Europe especially Ireland
There are all sorts of claims about quick methods of germinating Sarracenia seeds.DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME OR SEEDS. 有一堆自称可以让瓶子草快速发芽的方法,但是不要浪费你的时间和种子去尝试!
Put the pots into a terrarium with some air circulation.Or if the weather is mild, just put them outside in a sunny location with your other Sarracenia. 把花盆放在通风的生态缸,如果气候适合,也可以直接把花盆放在室外充满阳光的环境,和其他瓶子草住在一起!