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mock orange是什么意思 mock orange怎么读

n.[植] 山梅花
mock orange的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译
  1. large hardy shrub with showy and strongly fragrant creamy-white flowers in short terminal racemes

  2. shrubby thorny deciduous tree of southeastern United States with white flowers and small black drupaceous fruit

  3. small flowering evergreen tree of southern United States

  4. small shrubby deciduous yellowwood tree of south central United States having spines, glossy dark green leaves and an inedible fruit that resembles an orange; its hard orange-colored wood used for bows by Native Americans; frequently planted as boundary hedge

mock orange的相关资料
  • shittimn.布迷粒
  • laurel cherry桂樱
  • cherry laurel[医] 月桂樱
  • Maclura pomiferan.橙桑
  • syringan.紫丁香属的植物;山梅花属的植物
  • shittimwoodn.[植]皂荚树;皂荚木
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