It began to blow quite hard, just before midnight. 在午夜之前,就开始刮起了狂风。
Once in the night I woke and heard the wind blowing. 有天夜里我醒了,听见在刮风。
The wind blew and she shivered. 刮着风,她直打冷战。
The wind was blowing gently. 和风轻轻地吹。
The wind blew warm and the air felt like spring. 风暖暖地吹着,空气使人感到像春天般的。
The wind was blowing northerly. 刮北风。
The curtains blew in the wind. 窗帘随风飘动着。
Her hair blew in the wind. 她的头发被风刮起来了。
When it blows or rains, the mother bird covers the young with her wings. 刮风或是下雨时,雌鸟就用翅膀护着幼鸟。
Stop work when the whistle blows. 汽笛一响就停止工作。
We heard the bugles blowing. 我们听见吹号。
He took out his flute, and blew at it. 他拿出笛子吹了起来。
The old man was puffing and blowing when got to the top of the hill. 那老人到达山顶时,喘息不止。
The horse blew heavily. 马喘着粗气。
The balloon has blown. 气球炸开了。
The fuse has blown. 保险丝烧断了。
Let's blow before they catch us. 趁他们还没有抓到我们时赶快溜吧。
用作系动词S+~+ adj.
The door blew open. 门被风吹开了。
The wind was beginning to blow clear. 就要风吹云散了。
The East wind blows strong and news of victory keeps pouring in. 东风劲吹,捷报频传。
用作及物动词S+~+ pron./n.
The wind blew her hair. 风吹动她的头发。
The wind blew a gale. 风刮得很大。
She blew the fire. 她把火吹灭了。
The boy was blowing bubbles. 这男孩在吹泡泡玩。
The guard blew his whistle, and waved his bright green flag. 警卫吹起了哨子,摇了摇手中鲜明的绿色小旗。
The huntsman blew his horn loudly. 猎人大声地吹他的号角。
He lit one of the cigarettes, and blew a cloud of smoke. 他点燃了一根香烟,然后吹了一个烟圈。
He blew his fingers to make them warm. 他对着手指吹气,使它们暖和起来。
The explosion blew the bridge to smithereens. 炸药把这座桥炸得粉碎。
He is always blowing his own trumpet. 他老是自吹自擂。
He blew a thousand dollars last night. 昨天一晚他就挥霍掉1000美元。
The butcher has forgotten to send the sausages, blow him! 卖肉的人忘了送香肠来,真糟糕!
Blow it!I've missed the train. 真倒霉!我误了这趟火车。
My watch has stopped, blow it! 见鬼!我的表停了。
Blow it!I've sealed up the envelope and forgotten to put the letter in. 真见鬼,我忘了把信放到信封里就封口了。
Blow it!I've come out without any money. 真糟糕!我没带钱就出来了。
I'll be blowed if I do it. 我要干这种事就不是人。
Well,I'm blowed!Here are George and Vera. 真是活见鬼!乔治和维拉就在这儿。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron. + n.
The wind blew us delightful odors from the pine forests. 风为我们吹来了松树的香味。
She blew him a kiss. 她送给他一个飞吻。
It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good. 世上没有对人人都有利的事。
And I never got anywhere because you blew me so full of hot air I could never stand taking orders from anybody!Whose fault is it? 我一事无成,因为你向我灌输了如此之多的大话、空话,使我无法听从别人的意见和指导,这到底是谁的过错呢?
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
Come on out, let the breeze blow your hair dry. 出来吧,让微风把你的头发吹干。
The door was blown open. 风把门吹开了。
用作名词 (n.)
Go for a blow. 出外吹吹风。
Blows rained down upon him. 拳头雨点般地落在他身上。
The blow stunned me. 那一击把我打昏了。
He struck the man a blow that sent him to the floor. 他打了那个人一拳把他打倒在地上。
The criminal screamed at every blow. 这个罪犯每挨一拳就尖叫一声。
She raised her hand to ward off a blow. 她抬起手来,以挡开揍来的拳头。
He was staggered by the blow. 他被打得摇摇晃晃。
I aimed a violent blow. 我瞄准猛击。
His eye swelled painfully after the blow. 挨打后他的一只眼睛肿了起来,非常疼痛。
He managed to duck the blow. 他成功地躲过了那一击。
He dealt me a sudden blow. 他猛然袭击我。
He accompanied his angry words with blows. 他边骂边动手打。
They gave a blow for blow. 他们互击。
He gave his opponent a violent blow on the cheek. 他在他的对手的面颊上狠狠打了一下。
He inflicted a heavy blow on the back of her head. 他猛击她的后脑勺。
He dealt me a sudden blow on the chin. 他突然给我下巴一拳。
He gave him a violent blow on the head. 他照他的头部重重一击。
He met her by a gentle blow on the shoulder. 他见到她轻轻地拍了拍她的肩。
I gave him a blow upon the middle finger of the left hand. 我打了他左手的中指。
He gave a strong blow to his wife. 他猛打他的妻子。
He gave a blow with the fist. 他用拳一击。
They put up with insult and blows. 他们忍受侮辱和打击。
Their prestige has been dealt a heavy blow. 他们的威望受到了沉重的打击。
He braced himself to meet the blow. 他振作精神去承受这个打击。
For some reason he did not turn up.This was a great blow. 出于某些原因他没有来,这是一个很大的打击。
He has received an unexpected blow. 他受到了一次意想不到的打击。
This was a sudden and unexpected blow. 这是一个意想不到的打击。
The economic crisis of 1929 dealt Brazil a heavy blow.1929 年的经济危机给巴西以沉重的打击。
His death is a national blow. 他的逝世对国家是一个打击。
The army struck a swift blow at the enemy. 部队向敌人发动快速攻击。
The failure of the bank proved a serious blow to the depositors. 银行的破产给储户以严重的打击。
We dealt a deadly blow to the enemy. 我们给敌人一个致命的打击。
His mother's death was a great blow to him. 母亲的去世对他是一个沉重的打击。
The death of his son is the death blow to him. 他儿子的死给他以致命的打击。
His death was a terrible blow to us. 他的去世对我们是个可怕的打击。