(成员)不支持所属团体或组织 refuse to support the group or the organization of which they are members
close ranks
(一群人)紧密团结(面对困难) (of a group of people) to join together to (face difficulties)
the rank and file
普通百姓,(团体等中的)普通成员 ordinary, undistinguished people; members of a group or organizationIt will be the rank and file, not the newspaper editors, who will finally decide who is to be elected. 最终决定谁当选的不是报纸的编辑,而是普通百姓。
rank and filer
低阶层的一员,士兵 a member of the rank and file
用作动词 (v.)
rank with (v.+prep.)
列为 put or arrange in a rank or in a class rank with sth
This film ranks with the best.
Li Zhengdao ranks with the world's eminent scientists.