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ready made英英释义

ready made的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译
名词 ready-made:
  1. a manufactured artifact (as a garment or piece of furniture) that is made in advance and available for purchase

形容词 ready-made:
  1. made for purchase and immediate use

  2. repeated regularly without thought or originality

  3. commercially produced; not homemade

ready made怎么读 ready made是什么意思
adj. 预制的(非独创的)
ready made的相关资料

ready to准备, 快要, 乐于


ready status word准备状态字

ready-mix truck预拌混凝土运送车

ready-made unit预制构件

readymix concrete预拌混凝土

ready for sending发送就绪

ready-read card可读卡片,备读卡片

ready mixed paint调和漆,低漆

ready for service准备开通业务

ready and waiting准备好等待着; 严阵以待

ready casting wax易熔蜡

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