Natasha took the first note, her throat swelled, her bosom heaved, a serious expression came into her face. 娜塔莎唱出了第一个音,拉开了嗓门,挺起了胸脯,眼睛里露出严肃的表情。
All three men were looking at ham with amazement. 那三人都以惊奇的神态望着他。
A young officer, with an expression of bewilderment and distress in his face, walked away from the flogging, looking inquiringly at the adjutant. 年轻的军官流露着困惑不安和痛苦的神态,从受惩罚的人身边走开,带着疑问的目光打量着骑马从身旁走过的副官。