used in用于
used road reconstruction and extension旧路改扩建
Used light portable electric equipment用于轻型移动电器设备和工具
used electric and electronic equipment废旧电子电气设备
Used to express extreme displeasure.用以表达极度不满的秽语
used Agaricus bisporus culturing medium双孢菇培养基废料
Used in exclamations expressing surprise用於感叹句,表示惊异
used of riotously drunken merrymaking.用来指骚乱的、喝醉了酒的狂欢。
Used to express annoyanceor irritation.讨厌!用于表达烦扰或恼怒。
used informally especially for emphasis.非正式,特别是用以强调。
Used before unspecified countable nouns.用在非特定可数名词之前。