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Charles 是什么意思 Charles 怎么读

  1. King of France from 1560 to 1574 whose reign was dominated by his mother Catherine de Medicis (1550-1574)

  2. King of France who began his reign with most of northern France under English control; after the intervention of Jeanne d'Arc the French were able to defeat the English and end the Hundred Years' War (1403-1461)

  3. as Charles II he was Holy Roman Emperor and as Charles I he was king of France (823-877)

  4. King of England and Scotland and Ireland during the Restoration (1630-1685)

  5. son of James I who was King of England and Scotland and Ireland; was deposed and executed by Oliver Cromwell (1600-1649)

  6. the eldest son of Elizabeth II and heir to the English throne (born in 1948)

  7. French physicist and author of Charles's law which anticipated Gay-Lussac's law (1746-1823)

  8. king of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor; conqueror of the Lombards and Saxons (742-814)

  9. a river in eastern Massachusetts that empties into Boston Harbor and that separates Cambridge from Boston

  • Charles I查理一世
  • Charles II查理二世(1630-1685);英国国王(1660-1685)
  • Charlemagne查理曼大帝(742-814, 世称 Charles the Great或Charles I, 768-814为法兰克王, 800-814为西罗马帝国皇帝)
  • Charles the Great查理曼大帝(法兰克)
  • Carolusn.卡罗勒斯
  • Charles VII查理七世(1403-1461);法国国王(1422-1461)
  • Charles的用法和样例
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. After hearing the good news, Charles walked on air.
    2. Charles is a dyed-in-the-wool Republican.
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