Youren Yu于右任
Your dress is absolutely adorable.你的衣服太漂亮了。
Your information is soundly based.你的信息有可靠依据。
Your salary to you satisfaction?
Your hemoglobin should be checked.你的血红蛋白需要检查一下。
Your behavior is extremely brazen.你的这种做法真是无耻之尤,让人不齿。
Your visit yesterday delighted us.你昨天的访问使我们非常愉快。
Your very nostalgic about England.你很怀念英格兰把?
your lawfully wedded husband/wife你的合法丈夫/妻子
Your contempt sentence is tripled.你的藐视法庭罪增加到三个。
Your contract has been terminated.你的合同已经被终止。