A division of Oceania in the western Pacific Ocean comprising the islands east of the Philippines and north of the equator. It includes the Caroline, Marshall, Mariana, and Gilbert islands. 密克罗尼西亚西太平洋上菲律宾群岛以东,赤道以北的岛群,是大洋洲的一部分,包括加罗林群岛,马绍尔群岛,马里亚纳群岛和吉尔伯特群岛
One day in1848 a carpenter named Marshall, noticed some bright yellow particles in the water, bent down to pick them up and took them to his partner, Mr. Sutter. 1848年的一天,—位名叫马歇尔的木匠看到水中一些浅黄色的颗粒。他弯腰拾起并把颗粒拿给他的伙伴萨特。