1、【题目】Trouble with Teamwork
Mary Owen examines the role and efficiency of teams
Recruiters say that candidates who can give examples ofwork they have done as members of a successful team are in asstrong a position as those who can point to significant individualachievement. Indeed, too much of the latter may suggest thatthe person concerned is not a 'team player' - one of the moreserious failings in the book of management.
The importance of being a team player is a side effect of the increasing interaction acrossdepartments and functional divides. Instead of pushing reports, paperwork and decisions aroundthe organisation, 'teams provide a dynamic meeting place where ideas can be shared and expertisemore carefully targeted at important business issues,' says Steve Gardner, in his book KeyManagement Concepts. He adds, 'Globalisation has added a further dimension to teamwork.Multinational teams now study policy decisions in the light of their impact on the local market.'
But is teamworking being overdone? 'Some managers are on as many as seven or eightdifferent teams', says Dr Cathy Bandy, a psychologist who recently ran a conference on thesubject. 'They take up so much time that managers can't get on with core tasks.' Forming teamsand having meetings has, she says, become an end in itself, almost regardless of purpose. There isalso the danger of an unhealthy desire to keep the team going after the work has been done. 'People feel the need to belong, and team membership can provide a kind of psychologicalsupport.'
The idea behind teamworking is that, when the right group of people is brought together, a'force' develops which is greater than the sum of their individual talents. This is often true in sport,where good players can reach unexpected heights as members of an international team.However,few business situations have as clear a set of objectives, or as clear criteria of success orfailure, as winning a match.
'In business, everyone needs to be clear about what the challenge is and whether a team isthe right way of approaching it', says Steve Gardner. 'Unfortunately, people focus instead on whothe members of the team should be and what roles they are to play' Dr Bandy agrees. 'There isalways a danger that teams can turn into committees,' she says. 'In a lot of situations, one or twoindividuals would be much more effective.'
So what makes a successful team? There are some general qualities that have been identified.Steve Gardnerrecommends that in every team there should be someone who is good atresearching ideas and another who is good at shooting down impractical ones. There should bethose who can resolve the tensions that naturally occur in a team and others who are focused ongetting the job done. Also, providing a clear and achievable target at the outset is the best way ofensuring that the team will move on to greater things.
13、 What point does the writer make about teamworking at the beginning of the article?
A It is the most successful form of management.
B It has changed the recruitment procedure in companies.
C Well-run teams still allow individuals to demonstrate their talents.
D Being a team player is now considered an essential management skill.
14 、According to the article, teamwork developed within companies as a response to
A modern office design.
B changing work practices.
C a reduction in administrative tasks.
D the expansion of international business.
15 、In the third paragraph, Dr Bandy suggests that
A many employees do not enjoy working in teams.
B some managers are not very effective team leaders.
C some teams are created unnecessarily.
D few teams are well organised.
16 、According to the writer, teamwork is more effective in the field of sport because the players
A know what they want to achieve.
B are more competitive by nature.
C have more individual talent.
D can be driven by national pride.
17 、Steve Gardner and Dr Bandy agree that when a business team is created people do notpay enough attention to
A the structure of the team.
B alternatives to the team.
C selecting the team members.
D directing the team's activities.
18、 What is Steve Gardner's advice on operating a successful team?
A Maintain a flexible approach to membership.
B Allow personalities to develop within the team.
C Select people who fit naturally into certain roles.
D Make every effort to avoid conflict between members.
《Trouble with Teamwork》,团队合作的麻烦。文章讲了团队的重要性和很多团队存在的问题,以及怎么样才能打造一个成功有效的团队。
第十三题,问文章开头作者针对团队合作做了什么论点。第一段是强调团队合作的重要性,太多的个人成果会显得这个人不是个合格的团队成员。选答案要理解第一句话的含义:Recruiters say that candidates who can give examples of work they have done as members of a successful team are in as strong a position as those who can point to significant individual achievement.招聘者说能够给出自己作为一个成功团队成员的例子的候选人同那些指出重要的个人成果的人具有同样重要的地位。言下之意,拥有团队成员的经历也很重要。所以选D,作为一个团队成员如今被视为必要的管理技巧。A、B、C都没有提到。
第十四题,问公司内部的团队合作是作为对什么的回应。也就是问团队合作的目的是什么,答案是第二段的这么一句:'teams provide a dynamic meeting place where ideas can be shared and expertise more carefully targeted at important business issues 团队提供了一个动态的会议场所,使得思想可以分享,技能可以更加仔细的对准重要的商业问题。这句里的dynamic meeting place可以对应于B段的changing work practice。
第十五题,问在第三段Dr Bandy暗示什么。答案是她的一句原话:Forming teams and having meetings has, she says, become an end in itself, almost regardless of purpose.形成团队然后开会成了它本身的终点,几乎不管目的是什么。也就是说很多团队的建立是没有意义的,多余的。选C,一些团队被不必要的创建了。
第十六题,问作者认为团队合作在体育领域里更有效的原因是什么。第四段讲当一群正确的人被组合到一起时会产生一种高于这些人个人能力的力量,在体育比赛里就是如此。这一题的答案是第四段的最后一句:few business situations have as clear a set of objectives, or as clear criteria of success or failure, as winning a match.。很少有企业能像赢得一场比赛一样有一系列清晰的目标,或者是对成功或失败有清晰的评判准则。也就是A选项所说的:知道他们想要实现什么。what they want to achieve可以对应于a set of objectives。
第十七题,问这两个人同意当一个商业团队被创立时人们没有把注意力放在什么上面。这一题要理解第五段的意思。第一句说In business, everyone needs to be clear about what the challenge is and whether a team is the right way of approaching it。在企业,每个人都必须很清楚挑战是什么以及团队是否是实现它的最好的办法。考虑团队是不是最好的办法,也就是说要考虑其他可能的途径,即B选项所说的团队的替代品(alternatives to the team),后面有句focus instead….人们却把注意力放在了其他的地方。从这些可以看出答案是B。
第十八题,问关于运作一个成功团队Steve Gardner的建议是什么。这题的答案是对最后一段的概括。答案是最后一段第三句recommend后面的一长串there…who,要有不同的人胜任不同的角色。归纳起来,就是各司其职选C:选择能够自然融洽的胜任某个角色的人。其他几个选项都没提到。
第二段有个地方值得解释下。Globalisation has added a further dimension to teamwork。
牛津词典的解释:an aspect or feature of a situation, problem, or thing。
麦克米兰的解释:a part of a situation, especially when it influences the way you think about the situation。
e.g: Doing volunteer work has added a whole new dimension to my life.
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D
1、【题目】Section B
Directions: There are ten blanks in the following letter. You are required to choose the best one from the given four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Then write down the correct answer in the brackets. This section totals 10 points, one point for each blank.
Dear Mr. Bush
Thank you for your 1 of January 5 for our Beauty Brand Blouses.
We are now exporting 2 of various brands, among which Beauty Brand is the most famous. They are in great 3 abroad and our stocks are running 4 quickly. They are popular not only for their novel design, but also for the reasonable prices. We are confident that once you have tried our blouses, you will place repeat orders with us 5 large quantities.
As you requested, we are now 6 as follows:
Price: US$600 per dozen CIF New York
Terms of Payment: By sight L/C to be opened through a bank to be 7 by the Sellers.
Shipment: In March 2007.
Please note that we do not allow any commission 8 our blouses, but a discount of 5% may be 9 if the quantity is more than 1,000 dozen.
The above offer is made without 10 and is subject to our final confirmation.
We hope that you will place an order with us at an early date.
Sincerely yours
( )1. A. request B. enquiry C. acquisition D. requirement
( )2. A. blouses B. woman blouses C. woman shirts D. lady shirts
( )3. A. need B. want C. require D. demand
( )4. A. up B. off C. down D. away
( )5.A. at B. for C. in D. with
( )6. A. ordering B. offering C. placing D. advising
( )7. A. agreed B. approved C. acceptable D. covered
( )8. A. on B. in C. of D. at
( )9. A. provided B. supplied C. furnished D. granted
( )10. A. promise B. duty C. engagement D. onus
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. C
1、【题目】Investing thousands of pounds in the recruitment and training of each new graduate recruit may be just the beginning. Choosing the wrong candidate may leave an organisation paying for years to come.
Few companies will have escaped all of the following failures: people who panic at the first sight of stress; those with long impressive qualifications who seem incapable of learning; hypochondriacs whose absentee record becomes astonishing; and the unstable person later discovered to be a thief or worse.
Less dramatic, but just as much a problem, is the person who simply does not come up to expectations, who does not quite deliver; who never becomes a high-flier or even a steady performer; the employee with a fine future behind them.
The first point to bear in mind at the recruitment stage is that people don’t change. Intelligence levels decline modestly, but change little over their working life. The same is true of abilities, such as learning languages and handling numbers.
Most people like to think that personality can change, particularly the more negative features such as anxiety, low esteem, impulsiveness or a lack of emotional warmth. But data collected over 50 years gives a clear message: still stable after all these years. Extroverts become slightly less extroverted; the acutely shy appear a little less so, but the fundamentals remain much the same. Personal crises can affect the way we cope with things: we might take up or drop drink, drugs, religion or relaxation techniques, which can be have pretty dramatic effects. Skills can be improved, and new ones introduced, but at rather different rates. People can be groomed for a job. Just as politicians are carefully repackaged through dress, hairstyle and speech specialists, so people can be sent on training courses, diplomas or experimental weekends. But there is a cost to all this which may be more than the price of the course. Better to select for what you actually see rather than attempt to change it.
( )1. The purpose of this passage is to give managers the advice that .
A. Employers should select candidates for their potential.
B. Employers should select candidates for what they are rather than for their potential.
C. Employers should select the newly graduated and send them on training courses, diplomas or experimental weekends.
D. Employers should select experienced candidates to avoid spending thousands of pounds in training.
( )2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? .
A. Absolutely, People don’t change during their working lives.
B. Generally, people change to a large extent during their working lives.
C. Fundamentally, people stay the same during their working lives.
D. Normally, people don’t change at all during their working lives.
( )3. What does a fine future behind them (line 3 of paragraph 3) means? .
A. Some people will certainly have a promising future though they are not very competent in their present work.
B. Some people don’t have any potential for their work though they are employed.
C. Some people can have a bright future though they can’t do their work well.
D. Some people have potential when they are employed, but never realize that potential.
( )4. According to the passage, people’s basic abilities like language learning and numeracy .
A. change little over their working life.
B. never change over their working life.
C. change fundamentally over their working life.
D. change profoundly over their working life.
( )5. The word deliver (line 2 of paragraph 3) means .
A. to take goods to the places or people they are addressed to
B. to give a speech
C. to do what you promised to do
D. to help a woman to give birth to a baby.
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5.C
《Trouble with Teamwork》,团队合作的麻烦。文章讲了团队的重要性和很多团队存在的问题,以及怎么样才能打造一个成功有效的团队。
第十三题,问文章开头作者针对团队合作做了什么论点。第一段是强调团队合作的重要性,太多的个人成果会显得这个人不是个合格的团队成员。选答案要理解第一句话的含义:Recruiters say that candidates who can give examples of work they have done as members of a successful team are in as strong a position as those who can point to significant individual achievement.招聘者说能够给出自己作为一个成功团队成员的例子的候选人同那些指出重要的个人成果的人具有同样重要的地位。言下之意,拥有团队成员的经历也很重要。所以选D,作为一个团队成员如今被视为必要的管理技巧。A、B、C都没有提到。
第十四题,问公司内部的团队合作是作为对什么的回应。也就是问团队合作的目的是什么,答案是第二段的这么一句:'teams provide a dynamic meeting place where ideas can be shared and expertise more carefully targeted at important business issues 团队提供了一个动态的会议场所,使得思想可以分享,技能可以更加仔细的对准重要的商业问题。这句里的dynamic meeting place可以对应于B段的changing work practice。
第十五题,问在第三段Dr Bandy暗示什么。答案是她的一句原话:Forming teams and having meetings has, she says, become an end in itself, almost regardless of purpose.形成团队然后开会成了它本身的终点,几乎不管目的是什么。也就是说很多团队的建立是没有意义的,多余的。选C,一些团队被不必要的创建了。
第十六题,问作者认为团队合作在体育领域里更有效的原因是什么。第四段讲当一群正确的人被组合到一起时会产生一种高于这些人个人能力的力量,在体育比赛里就是如此。这一题的答案是第四段的最后一句:few business situations have as clear a set of objectives, or as clear criteria of success or failure, as winning a match.。很少有企业能像赢得一场比赛一样有一系列清晰的目标,或者是对成功或失败有清晰的评判准则。也就是A选项所说的:知道他们想要实现什么。what they want to achieve可以对应于a set of objectives。
第十七题,问这两个人同意当一个商业团队被创立时人们没有把注意力放在什么上面。这一题要理解第五段的意思。第一句说In business, everyone needs to be clear about what the challenge is and whether a team is the right way of approaching it。在企业,每个人都必须很清楚挑战是什么以及团队是否是实现它的最好的办法。考虑团队是不是最好的办法,也就是说要考虑其他可能的途径,即B选项所说的团队的替代品(alternatives to the team),后面有句focus instead….人们却把注意力放在了其他的地方。从这些可以看出答案是B。
第十八题,问关于运作一个成功团队Steve Gardner的建议是什么。这题的答案是对最后一段的概括。答案是最后一段第三句recommend后面的一长串there…who,要有不同的人胜任不同的角色。归纳起来,就是各司其职选C:选择能够自然融洽的胜任某个角色的人。其他几个选项都没提到。
第二段有个地方值得解释下。Globalisation has added a further dimension to teamwork。
牛津词典的解释:an aspect or feature of a situation, problem, or thing。
麦克米兰的解释:a part of a situation, especially when it influences the way you think about the situation。
e.g: Doing volunteer work has added a whole new dimension to my life.
9 B 10 A 11E 12C 13D 14F
1、【题目】Directions: There are ten blanks in the following passage. You are required to choose the best one from the given four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Then write down the correct answer in the brackets. This section totals 10 points, one point for each blank.
Before marketing yourself globally, it is important to 1 your business is ready to deal with challenges presented by the international environment 2
language and cultural barriers, foreign laws, order fulfillment, and pre/post sales support.
Language and Culture - Neither technical accuracy 3 perfect translation is sufficient when considering the language you will communicate through. It is important to really understand how a language is used by the people in your 4 market.
Regional Laws - All phases of product 5 are affected by regulations. The product itself, such as its physical and chemical aspects, is subject to laws 6
to protect consumers with respect to purity, safety or performance. Product features such as packaging and warranties, advertising, sales promotion techniques are also subject to local regulations.
Order Fulfillment - How will you deliver your products? What business partners will you need to ensure smooth logistics of your product? Can you handle your shipment costs? If you cannot 7 demand or ensure smooth delivery of your product, you are at risk of negatively affecting your business and its image. It is important to find and qualify 8
distributors, and pay particular attention to contract negotiation and distribution management.
Pre and Post Sales Support - 9 with your customers as well as your business partners is an important consideration when marketing and selling internationally. Many businesses are able to meet customer expectations through strategic alliances or foreign distributors who deal with the local customer base on their 10 .
( )1 A. ensure B. assure C. reassure D. sure
( )2 A. excluding B. excluded C. including D. included
( )3 A. so B. nor C. and D. or
( )4 A. local B. own C. target D. home
( )5 A. sales B. exhibition C. promotion D. development
( )6 A. planned B. proposed C. supposed D. designed
( )7 A. meet B. run into C. encounter D. face
( )8 A. potent B. polite C. ethical D. potential
( )9 A. Connection B. Communication C. Link D. Contact
( )10 A. account B. part C. behalf D. market
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C
1、【题目】Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: There are ten incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then write down the right answer in the brackets for each sentence. This section totals 10 points, one point for each sentence.
( )1.We can supply all the bicycles you required ____________ stock and are arranging shipment by M.V. Mermaid.
A. for B. from C. to D. against
( )2.We would like to remind you that the __________ L/C must reach us before March 10
so that we can make shipment in good time.
A. covering B. cover C. covered D. being covered
( )3.We have received your letter of 28 March, ___________ us to modify the previous arrangements for the shipment of the captioned order.
A. asked B. to ask C. being asked D. asking
( )4.In our letter of May 5, we made __________ clear that shipment is to be effected in June.
A. you B. them C. that D. it
( )5.We always deal _______________ payment by sight L/C.
A. with B. in C. at D. on
( )6.This offer is _____________ to your reply reaching us before the 20th of February.
A. subjecting B. subject C. subjected D to subject
( )7.____________ we are appreciating the good quality of your black tea, we regret that your price appears to be on the high side.
A. While B. When C. However D. Therefore
( )8.We hereby authorize you to ___________ on us at 60 days after sight to the extent of USD20,000.00.
A. open B. establish C. draw D. build
( )9.If parties to a contract desire to settle disputes, an arbitration clause is usually made in the contract well before a dispute _____________ .
A. rises B. arises C. look D. appear
( )10.Some customers requested us to _____________ our price because they considered it
too high.
A. put down B. get down C. take down D. bring down
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. D