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 更新时间:2025-03-10 03:15:40





Now we have that eclipses alter ego, the solar eclipse in Cancer (11 degrees) on July 11, a far friendlier one than last months eclipse. It looks like less stress and more balance is due to come, and thats all good for you, dear Taurus.


Overall, eclipses in Capricorn and Cancer are friendly to your Taurus sign, which suggests that even enforced changes will work to your benefit. Even if you say you must be the exception to the rule because life seems hard for you, I still feel you will find ways to make these eclipses work in your favor. Keep the faith, dear Taurus - better days are due.


The eclipse last month and this month are hitting your travel sectors of your chart, to locations both distant and possibly foreign (June 26) and nearby (July 11). This is ironic because as a Taurus you are not inclined to travel too much if no one is forcing you to go anywhere. Now, however, you are feeling cabin fever and seem to be more willing to hop a plane, bus, or train to get out of town. This will do you good because the edges of your world are being pushed back so that you can get a larger view.


This months eclipse will actually be a good one. You may be skeptical. I can hear you sitting at your computer mumbling, "Is there such a thing as a friendly eclipse" The answer is yes! Solar eclipses bring in brand new elements and opportunities - often as a surprise - and when the third house is involved, as it is for you, news may arrive through a phone call, an email, or even a traditional letter, but not likely from someone in person. This opportunity is likely to allow you to travel, speak, teach, write, edit, do research, design, proof, promote, or sell, as just a few examples of communication projects that may come up.


A strong emphasis on the third house, as you will have now, in July, would also make you more courageous about venturing into joining social media, so you may find yourself crafting the right messages or designing your own blog or website. If you are self-employed, you may be energized to institute an advertising or publicity campaign. It would be the right time to do so, too. Its also possible youll have a great idea for a phone app or new software - if you are technical, start sketching ideas. If you write, you might write reports or a thesis, or you may write advertising copy, a screenplay, or a novel - there are so many possible channels for your talents. You may find that you are writing a great deal more or speaking in front of groups.


One thing is certain: Your ability to convey your messages to others, whether through writing, music, a novel, screenplay, film, or poetry - you name it - is getting stronger. You may want to take lessons or classes to sharpen your ability to convey thoughts and artistic expressions even more. This trend started in July 2009 and you are already showing signs of growth, a that process is due to continue another 12 months. Youll travel more in that time, too - its all good, and quite exciting! Best of all, most of the trips will be taken because you want to go, not because work demands you do. Some of the trips may be tied to your creative projects too, but again, those will be labors of love.


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