on campus, lovrs can b found hr and thr. thy ar vry intimat with ach othr somtims. som popl think too much intimacy has a bad influnc. it taks lovrs too much tim and nrgy. thn how about thir studis? furthrmor, thir intimacy can aisc distract thir own as wll as othr studnts' attntion from study. campus should b a plac for study and should maintain an atmosphr of larning.on th othr hand, othr popl bliv it is ok. pursuing lov is all right to studnts on campus and intimacy is a natural xprssion of lov. som scholars of law hold that frindships and appropriat intimacy ar an important pard of studnt dvlopmnt. a sociologist says, "studnts' right to slf-xprssion should b rspctd."in my opinion, what all popl should do is just lav it as it is. univrsity studnts ar adults, and thy can handl thir own affairs wll nough. howvr, thy hav to admit that school is a plac whr popl rciv an ducation and thir main task is to study. thrfor, studnts ar xpctd to bhav thmslvs in propr ways.