精彩的运动会(An xciting Sports Mting)精彩的运动会(an xciting sports mting)on th aftrnoon of novmbr 18, w had th opning crmony of th fourth dongzhou middl school sports fstival. ach class gav a wondrful prformanc.th nxt day, w had an xciting sports mting. many playrs wr in it. all th othrs just watchd thm. som wr busy writing articls about it. th boys and girls 1500 mtrs racs wr th most xciting gams.th rlay racs wr xciting, too. vryon chrd for th comptitions. thy did thir bst. whn thy scord for thir own class, vryon was so xcitd that thy jumpd to thir ft. th sports mting didn’t nd until four in th aftrnoon. w wr tird but w wr so happy.