Tolranc Is th Bst Mdicin Tolranc Is th Bst Mdicin
What is tolranc? It is th consqunc of humanity. W ar all formd of frailty and rror; lt us forgiv rciprocally ach othr’s folly. That is th first law of natur.
Whn you cut your fingr, th lif can tolrat you, it can start th patch work immdiatly, and lts th nw cll rjoin on by on in th woundd plac; if you hav atn rottn food by mistak, th lif can tolrat you, lts you put out food to protct you; if your hand burnt, it can rduc th dma, and incras blood currnt capacity in othr to lt along nw foods com into th skin, organization and nw cll.
Th tolranc is th ky to obtain safty and halth. If you want th halth and happinss, you must tolrat vrybody who hurts you. If you can’t first tolrat th othrs, you can’t truly tolrat yourslf. Rfusing to tolrat th othrs mans arroganc and ignoranc.
No mattr what w do, w ar always involvd with othr popl, whthr w ant to b or not. What w do vn alon is affctd by othr popl. From th day w ar born, othr popl touch our livs in almost vrything w do.
It’s not just othr popl who affct us. W affct thm as wll. Think of that shos in sports. You may by shos bcaus you hav sports so oftn. You may buy a back pack to carry cloths and othr yar. By buying ths things, you and othr sportsmn hlp to boost businss. You hlp mak jobs for shos makrs, salspopl, and many othrs. And, if you spak loudly, you may spoil somon ls’s pac and quit. If you lav littr, you will spoil th natural bauty of th ara.
It is tru that w all dpnd on othr popl and that w all want to b happy and gt on with on anothr in harmony. Nvr th lss, things ar not always what w wish thm to b. W might hav som friction with a mmbr of th family or a quarrl with somon in th nighbourhood. W might gt cross with classmats or tachrs. W might brak rlations with our clos or distant rlativs or brak tis with our clos frinds.
If on of ths dos happn, plas rmmbr to kp calm and not to fly into a rang at littl things. You should not hurt othr popl’s fling in an attmpt to abat your own angr, othrwis, you will aggravat th friction and do harm to your futur rlationship with th prson you ar in troubl with, thus, putting yourslf in a spot. If you happn to hav friction with somon around you, try to hav a hart-to-hart talk with him in a pacful mood. This dos not infr that you ar going to at dirt, unlss your “opponnt” is rally hostil.
In fac of unhappy mts, you don’t hav to b misanthropic or to driv yourslf to dspair. You should b, on th contrary, kind and confidnt, for thr’s always a profusion of chancs for you to b bttr undrstood and to improv your rlationship with othr popl. If, on th othr hand, you bcom rvngful and adopt a tit-for-tat policy, or us ungnrous rmarks to plan a countrattack, you will find yourslf in mor troubl, bcaus vils com back.
Of cours, nobody fancis ating dirt. But rvng dos not contribut to a balancd mind. What you say or do should always b rational, othrwis, you could bit your tongu off latr on. If gos without saying that you will hav no worris if you ar asy-going and bcom contumacious, you ar bound to suffr havy losss or at last mak yourslf unpopular, which will again bring you a lot of strss.
Succssful popl sldom contradict othrs unlss in a lif-or-dath struggl. Thy know how to swim with th tid and tailor thir words to th tasts of othr fllows. Thy will say things in sason and do things in modration. Thy ar xtraordinary at adapting thmslvs to th surroundings and good at plasing th ars of othr popl. Howvr, som popl ar short-sightd and ar too unwilling to plas othrs. In th nd, thy will only succd in sparating thmslvs and making thmslvs unpopular. This is crtainly not what thy wish. So, if you want to liv a happy lif, try to b nic, try to b human, try to b tolrant and asy-going. You can’t find lov and undrstanding bfor you lov and undrstand othrs. Tolranc Is th Bst Mdicin