业余爱好(Hobby)hobbis ar vry important to a prson. without having any hobby, lif won't b as colorful as it should b. i hav a varity of hobbis, such as collcting stamps, playing musical instrumnts, rading, and doing sport activitis.whn i am fr, i will spnd tim on my hobbis. whn i am in a blu mood, i will also do my hobbis to chr myslf up. hobbis can hlp us improv our moods. many hobbis rquirs dvotion. for xampl, whn you play a musical instrumnt, you hav to practic ovr and ovr in ordr to prform good music.aftr a priod if you still njoy it, gradually it will bcom a hobby of yours. but, rmmbr: a hobby is lik gold undr th ground; no hobby will com to you unlss you dig it out yourslf. if you can trat study as on of you hobbis, larning will b mor njoyabl. i hop all of you can find your own hobbis and also hav fun from thm.