thr is a famous saying, "h who dosn't rach th grat wall is not a tru man. " this morning my classmatsand i got up arly to visit th grat wall.w wnt thr by car.on our way to th grat wall, w saw many tall buildings on both sids of th road.about two hours latr, w arrivd at th grat wall. whn th grat wall appard in front of us, w couldn't hlp crying, "what a wondrful sight it is!how grat it is!" whn w walkd on th grat wall w flt vry proud bcaus it's th longst wall in th world. today it has bcom a plac of intrst to th popl all ovr th world.aftr visiting th grat wall, i'v madup my mind to study hardr than vr.