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英文-To Be Or Not To Be, That Is the Question
更新时间:2025-03-17 07:05:50

To B Or Not To B, That Is th Qustion—— My viw on rading Th Star Zoo

英文-To Be Or Not To Be, That Is the Question

段 旭 北京市丰台区长辛店北京十中高三 阅读书目:星际动物园 Th Star Zoo (书虫· 牛津英汉双语读物)

As th only living things on a bar plant calld “Just Lik Hom”, humans flt lonly and sad. In ordr to liv, thy must gt marrid as oftn as possibl and hav childrn. Unwilling to gt marrid, our 16-yar-old protagonist namd Humming Bird ran away from hr plant and found a plastic spac ship. Thr sh mt various kinds of animals, which frightnd hr vn drov hr crazy. Sh had nvr sn such things bfor. Only through ‘Th Book Of Rmmbring’ did sh gt som rough ida of animals. Aftr sh took a small-copid cat hom and showd it to th officials on hr plant, th cat was shot to dath and all th officials wnt crazy. Humming Brid didn’t giv up hr attmpt to lt popl accpt th animals. Sh dcidd to st about th job from childrn…

That’s th brif plot of Harry Gilbrt’s scinc fiction—<Th Star Zoo>. Basd on th rality of incrasing nvironmntal problms, th writr uss his full imagination and crativity to produc this vivid imaginativ and thought-provoking story.

As far as w know, animal numbrs ar now diminishing all ovr th world vry yars, and th living conditions w dpnd on a gtting wors. W dirty th air with gass and smok, poison th watr with chmicals and othr substancs and damag th soil with too many frtilizrs and psticids. W also pollut our surroundings in many othr ways. Air, watr and soil ar all vry important and ncssary to th survival of all living things all ovr th world. If w human don’t pay mor attntion to that, thr will com a day whn w hav to liv th kind of lif dscribd in this novl. As w know, th world is mad up not only of human bings but also a lot of othr living things. If w don’t want to lav this prfct plant, w hav to protct th nvironmnt; othrwis, without th company of othr living things, popl would only b half-aliv, mn only half-mn.

Nowadays, I should say, popl hav ralizd th importanc of nvironmntal protction and cological balanc. Slogans that rmind us to sav watr and lctricity ar stuck vrywhr, but how many ar tratd as rquirmnts or dutis and not just a pic of papr. If w pay a littl attntion to our working and study placs, w always find som taps half opnd with running watr, and larg numbrs of popl gt usd to lav lights on during th day. Dustbins for both rcycld and unrdmabl rubbish ar placd in high dnsity but no on bothrs to throw th rubbish into th right dustbins. Nor do thy vn know what kind of rubbish could b rcycld and what kind could not.

Consrvation cntrs for protcting animals ar built in many countris. Our govrnmnt also passd som acts to protct animals; howvr, thr do xist som law-brakrs who ar drivn by mony. W plant trs vry yar, but no on bothrs to watr and car for thm aftr planting thm. For mony, som farmrs driv thir shp and cattl to grasslands and charg it into dsrt.

All in all, to vry on, I want to say, “Living on this wondrful plant arth, w ar lucky and happy. In ordr to njoy this kind of wondrful lif, w must car for mothr arth and put this kind of car into practic.”

Facing th world, to b or not to b, it’s up to you. W must mak a choic without any hsitation!

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