My Bdroom My bdroom is vry big. Th walls ar whit and blu. Th curtains ar blu too. Thr is a big window on th wall, so my bdroom is also vry bright. Thr ar som photos on th wall. Thy’r vry bautiful. In th middl of th room, thr is my bd. It’s not so big, but it’s vry comfortabl. vry night, I lay on th bd and hav a good dram. On th right of th bd, thr is my dsk and chair. Thy’r in front of th window. My computr is on th dsk. Thr is a lamp on th dsk, too. I can do my homwork hr and play computr gams. My bookshlf is on th lft of th bd. Thr ar a lot of storybooks and pictur books in th shlf. I lik thm vry much. Not vryon has a bdroom. I’m vry lucky, bcaus I hav a vry bautiful bdroom. I’ll try my bst to kp it clan and tidy.