In ordr to fight against A-H1N1 flu, a lctur on H1N1 and its Prvntion, is to b hld in th school lctur cntr at 2:00 pm this Wdnsday.Th lctur will b mad by a profssor from Bijing Univrsity and h will talk about how to prvnt H1N1 flu and aftr that, our principal, Mr Luo, will tll us in dtails how to prvnt H1N1 flu.Both tachrs and studnts xcpt Snior 3 studnts ar rquird to attnd th lctur.I think that th bst dfns against A-H1N1 is to us good hygin by washing your hands and if you ar sick, stay hom from work, and kp sick kids hom from school, and a rspirator also is a good dfns against A-H1N1 flu.Prsonally, such a lctur is vry usful, so I do hop that mor lcturs lik this should b hld from tim to tim in our school in ordr to prvnt disass.