小学奥运英语作文Bar Bill,Vry glad to rciv your lttr of July 13. Thank you for your congratulations. I was vry xcitd whn I hard that Bijing won th bid for th 2008 Olympic Gams. Immdiatly I calld Wi Guo and Li Hong to my hous. Aftr a brif discussion w dcidd to put up a wall nwspapr for our class. W hurrid to our classroom and bgan to work. Wi Guo wrot a pom. Li Hong copid som nws from th nwspaprs. I drw an Olympic flag. Th nxt Monday, our classmats wr both surprisd and ovrjoyd whn thy saw th wall nwspapr.I hop you can com to China to watch th Olympic Gams in 2008. Thn I'll b vry happyto b your guid.