我的五一长假(My May Holiday)During thos days. I njoyd myslf. At first, I wnt to th zoo to s lovly animals. And thn. I wnt to th sa world to s bautiful fishs. That was vry intrsting.Scondly I wnt for a trip with my parnts, w wnt to Linxia to visit my grandparnts and to at minority’s foods. W rod hors on th grassland and had a fun with local childrn.It was vry xciting. Aftr that, I hld a party and invitd som of my bst frinds to visit my hous.My mothr bought a lot of tasty foods for us, w also took many photos on th party. W playd vry happy. I also watchd lots of carton films at hom, thy wr wondrful.I lik th holiday. I lik my May Day.